I propose He does and even, in fact, that there might be a right and wrong about each choice. The answers to those questions lies deep in my heart. Although this may seem mysterious (and quite unreachable for many), it really is rather simple... How do I WANT to exercise? What do I PREFER to eat today? Do I really LIKE red or blue better? (And remember, we are talking about non-ethical, non-directly-biblically-addressed issues here).
But why do my personal preferences matter, especially when the question is what SHOULD I do? They matter because I am made in the image of God uniquely. I am the only me He created. And as the creation reflects the Creator, my unique personality, my likes and dislikes, my preferences, reflect Him also... UNIQUELY. Each one of us are made uniquely so that we fit together uniquely, in a beautifully orchestrated body that intensely needs each of its other parts,

But in order for me to fully develop the gifts and talents the Lord has created in me, that the rest of the Body needs in order to function according to His will, I have to follow the old "know thyself" wisdom. Not as an end in myself, but as an opportunity to grow even closer to the One who created me; to learn about who He is and to learn to love the unique plan He has for me inside that glorious will.
Knowing myself has many other benefits, of course, like being able to recognize my own will (and therefore recognize its compatibility with the Lord's will) and reaching a deeper understanding of the depths of my own sinfulness and therefore need for a Savior. But there is a whole slew of Greek tragedies and Socratic ramblings out there for those who want to delve further. For now I'm just going to put on my red shirt.
Very well put! I assume you must prefer the red shirt today? :)
I miss you. You should have gone with the blue :D
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