We're into the new schedule now. I am only working outside our home two (can you believe it???) days a week and spending the rest of the time at home w/the kiddos. Carrie Tucker and Jane are our new nannies (really Jane does quite a bit of the kid wrangling from what I hear) and they are doing a WONDERFUL job. Our previous nanny got married (yay Miss Jenn!) I am so thankful for them both, not only providing consistent care for my kids, but also loving, fun people for them to be around. It's good for them also to learn to get along with other kids.

Cass has been doing a lot with his music lately, mixing the 50th reunion jam w/Chris Moore, which sounds remarkably well for being recorded live outdoors when it was oh, about 150 degrees out (Ben? where are you when we need you, exaggeration coordinator?). Especially the Let Love take. I can't wait for you guys to hear it. Maybe he can get it up on his site soon. It is really exciting to see the Lord developing Cass's talents and building his confidence to the point of being able to share more w/others. I am very excited to see what He will bring next.

I am loving my counseling job. I meet the most incredible people. Sure they have their problems (like we all do) but they are humble enough to deal with them and exhibit incredible strength despite their plights. Really amazing. Most days (not all) I come home so full of hope for both them and myself in my own struggles.
Lately I have been missing my bro and sis a ton over there in S. Korea. I know they followed the Lord there, but it is a killer not to experience just the little everyday things with them, like laughing at the kids' dancing or drinking Cass's incredible sweet tea on the front porch. I am so glad they only have a few more months left.
We are heading off on vacation with our best friends soon, to Twin Lakes, CO, in little bear lodge for a time of rest, relaxation, and hopefully some incredible road biking and hiking. We can't wait and we are sure the kids will have the time of their lives with the MiMi, Papa, Nanny and Pops.
India also starts preschool this week. I can hardly believe it. I think I might actually be sad when she goes, but I'm going to do my best not to let her see it. When I visited her classroom I couldn't stop thinking about how hard it is going to be to get her to want to come home at the end of the day. The fun and toys lined up for her look incredible.

Oh, and Cass and I did our very first bike race together, 25 miles of the the Hotter'n'Hell Hundred, in Wichita Falls, TX. (like my race-car helmet?) The temp

wasn't really too bad and we had a lot of fun. Cass only wrecked once, and it was during the nation anthem before we even started, but I think he was just trying to make the 8-yr-old next to him feel better for doing the same thing. We were both really impressed w/our other friends who did the 100 mile race. Luke and Geoff were right around 5 hrs and although it took Ben around 9 hrs, he showed some incredible tenacity in finishing.